Addiction recovery is attainable with personalized counseling from our professional staff.
First Step Community Counseling
understands that addiction is not an individual problem, but an unhealthy coping skill related to life stressors.
Treatment Protocols Include:
Stages of Development
MRT® (Moral Reconation Therapy)
Matrix Model Curriculum for all Intensive Outpatient Programs
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Techniques
Solution-Focused/Strength-Based Techniques
Motivational Interviewing Techniques
Treatment Services Offered:
Adult, Youth, and DUI Evaluations
Substance Abuse Assessment-(must be conducted in the First Step Counseling offices)
Deferred Prosecution Program
Court Approved Services
Adult and Youth Intensive Outpatient
Relapse Prevention Groups
Gender Specific Outpatient Groups
Weekly and Monthly Aftercare
Youth Aftercare
Individual Counseling
Anger Management Classes
On-Site Drug Screening
DUI Victim’s Panel
Alcohol and Other Drug Information School (ADIS)
Court Approved Parenting Seminar
*PLEASE NOTE: Pre-paid Evaluation, Parenting Seminar, ADIS and/or DUI Victim’s Panel is NON_REFUNDABLE
First Step Community Counseling Services offers chemical dependency assessment, counseling, and treatment in the Tri-Cities.
Located in Kennewick, Washington.